• The first computer

    The first computer
  • The transistor

    The transistor was invented by Bell Telephone Company. It wasn't a computer in itself'but it was a vital computer component.
  • IBM

    International Business Machines came out with their first computer machine.
  • The computer chip

    The computer chip
  • Video games

    Video games
    Spacewar games invented the first computer video games.
  • The internet

    The internet
  • First personal computers

    First personal computers
    IBM and Apple were just a couple of the brands that put out the first personal computers.
  • Microsoft is born

  • The laptop comes into play

    The laptop comes into play
    The first laptop computer'the Power Book 100'came out. There were other portable computers before this'but they were very clunky and expensive
  • The internet as we know it

    The internet as we know it
    Tim Berners Less came up with the World Wide Web. He started a computer revolution.
  • World Wilde convention

    the first internet convention was held.
  • Mini computers

    Nokia introduced a phone that had internet capabilities. This started a revolution of devices that were small'portable computers.