Computers in Time

  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    Konrad Zuse introduces the first computer that is freely programable.
  • Banks!

    Banks start to use computers! They used them until the 1970's.
  • Minicomputer

    Digital Equipment Corp. introduced the PDP-8. THis was the first commercially successful minicomputer.
  • Internet

    The original internet is invented! It is called ARPAnet. It protected the flow of information between military instals by creating a network of geographically separated computers that can exchange information.
  • Consumer Computer

    Consumer Computer
    This was the start of the Apple computers! This was the first single circuit board computer. The system was only twenty five dollars and it included 8K of RAM, a video interface and a keyboard.
  • GUI

    GUI is not introduced to home computers! GUI stands for graghical user interface.
  • Networking

    The Mosaic web browser was released. This was the first ever commercial software that allowed graphic access to content on the internet.
  • Yahoo!

    Yahoo is founded. Jerry Yang and David Filo both graduated from stanford. They founded Yahoo. Today Yahoo is one of the most powerful search engines.
  • Apple Presents Ipod

    Apple Presents Ipod
    This device allows you to have 1,000 songs at your finger tips. It plays up to ten hours of continuous music.
  • Apple Launches Ipad

    Apple Launches Ipad
    This device was intoduced to be abke to brows the internet, read, send emails, look at photos, watch videos, listening to music, playing games, and much more.