Apple mac desktop


  • Konrad Zuse and the Z3 Computer

    First programmable, working computer that used binary arithmetic.
  • Whirlwind Machine

    MIT debuts the "Whirlwind Machine". First digital computer with real-time graphics and a magnetic core RAM.
  • MIcrosoft

    Bill Gates created the multi-million dollar software, Microsoft.
  • The Mouse.

    Douglas Engelbart creates and later patents the first computer "mouse".
  • The First Microprocessor

    The First Microprocessor
    Intel presents the first microprocessor (Intel 4004)
  • Word Processors.

    Seymour Rubenstein and Bob Barnaby invent the first word processors.
  • The Worm

    The Worm
    Robert Morris launches the first internet worm.
  • The Invention of Hotmail

    Hotmail is founded by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith in 1995.