
  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    Konrad Zuse invented the Z1 computer.
    It is important because it was the first freely programed computer.
  • ABC Computer

    ABC Computer
    Who was first in the computing biz is not always as easy as ABC.
    Created by: John Atanasoff & Clifford Berry
  • The Transistor

    The Transistor
    No, a transistor is not a computer, but this invention greatly affected the history of computers.
    Created by: John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley
  • UNIVAC Computer

    UNIVAC Computer
    First commercial computer and able to pick presidential winners
  • FORTRAN Computer Programming Language

    FORTRAN Computer Programming Language
    Created by: John Backus & IBM
    The first successful high level programming language.
  • ERMA and MICR

    ERMA and MICR
    he first bank industry computer - also MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) for reading checks
    Created by: Stanford Research Institute, Bank of America, and General Electric
  • Spacewar Computer Game

    Spacewar Computer Game
    The first computer game invented.
    Created by: Steve Russell & MIT
  • Intel 4004 Computer Microprocessor

    Intel 4004 Computer Microprocessor
    The first microprocessor.
    Created by: Faggin, Hoff & Mazor
  • Apple Macintosh Computer

    Apple Macintosh Computer
    The more affordable home computer with a GUI.
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    Microsoft begins the friendly war with Apple.