
By nboyd16
  • Period: to


  • computer

    first programable computer this is important because without this we would have no computers.
  • computer

    the abc computer was invented important for simplicity
  • manchester baby computer

    manchester baby computer
    the manchertser baby computer was born. this is important because this changes the way we think of copmuters
  • univac computer

    univac computer
    first comiercal computer able to pick the presidential winners this is important because now you don't have to go thorough all the votes by hand
  • computer games

    computer games
    the first computer games was invented this is important because without this we would not be where we are now
  • ARPAnet

    this was the original internet this is important because we use this internet for almost everything nowdays
  • intel 4004 computer memory

    intel 4004 computer memory
    this was the first ram chip this is important because now all computers have RAM chips in them
  • Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair & IBM 5100 Computers

    Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair & IBM 5100 Computers
    this was the first consumer computer this was important because it was for other poeple
  • apple macintosh computer

    apple macintosh computer
    this was apples main brand this is important because apple is one of the main brands today
  • microsoft windows

    microsoft windows
    this is also one of the main computers now thats why it's important