Computer Timeline

By Kiana23
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Analytical Engine: 1834
    Designed by Charles Babbage
    First automatic calculator
    Based on Difference Engine
    Never developed
    Drawings and descriptions similar to today’s computers
  • Herman Hollerish

    Herman Hollerish
    created by Herman Hollerith
    U.S. Census Bureau: Tabulate census data
    Automatically read data from punch cards
    1896: Hollerith started the Tabulating Machine Company
    Later became International Business Machines (IBM)
  • ZI Computer

    ZI Computer
    created by Kenrad Zuse included control unit and seperate memory function.
  • Eniac

    Electronicl Integrator computer .. First successful high speed electronic digital computer big used over 18,000 vaccum tubes created by John Mauchlly and J. Presr at University of Pennslyvania.
  • 1st Generation

    1st Generation
    Used vacuum tubes to store data( memory)
  • netscape

    Predominate player in browser software
  • 2nd Generation

    2nd Generation
    Used transistors to store data
  • Univac

    Universal Automatic Computer first commercially sucessful electronic digital computer operated on magnetic tape. Gained notorrery when used to predict outcome of steven Eisenhower presidential race.
  • 3rd Generation

    3rd Generation
    Used integrated circuits
  • Jack Kilby

    Jack Kilby
    Jack Kilby of Texas instrumentsm created integrated small chip containin thousands of transisters enabled computers to become smaller and lighter consider 3rd generation computers

    short for Beginners All Purpose symbolic Instruction Code programing languages Fortran, Algol, and Cobol led to microsofy and became key language for Pc.
  • 4th Generation

    4th Generation
    Use microprocessor chip
  • Introduction of the GUI

    Introduction of the GUI
    Graphical User Interface allowed users to interact with computere more easily (Xerox Alto) mouse and network connectivty never sold commercially.
  • Altair Computer

    Altair Computer
    First personal computer sold as kit 395 Bill Gates and Paul allen among first owners.
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Founder of Microsoft
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    Wanted apple computer to be perfect computer company . Picked name cause he thought of apple to be the perfect fruit because of nutrition. Also one of main discoverers of apple.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Built by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozinack included color monitor sound and game.
  • Wordstar

    First word processing application
  • VIsicalc

    First electronic spreadsheet application
  • Osborne

    obernight success first portable computer sold 10,000 units per month.
  • PageMaker

    First desktop publishing software
  • Excel

    First spread sheet to use GUI
  • Mosiac

    First web brower allowed usersto use multimedia on the web caused internet traffic to increase by nearly 350 percent