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computer time line

  • MARK-1

    MARK-1 was the first computer invented, it was huge and not very reliable.

    ENIAC was created for scientific and military purpose, later it was commercialized.
  • IBM 360

    IBM 360
    IBM 360 was the first computer with keyboard and screen, it also stored information.
  • computers with microprocessors

    computers with microprocessors
    In this year computers started to have microprocessors and they were smaller but they had more power.
  • Apple I

    Apple I
    Apple I was the first computer with motherboard
  • Deskpro 386

    Deskpro 386
    Deskpro 386 is a 32 bits computer which speed is higher
  • IBM Roadrunner

    IBM Roadrunner
    This one was the fastest computer of the year
  • MacBook pro retina display

    MacBook pro retina display
    This laptop was made by Apple and it had the best screen resolution.
  • new computers' generation

    new computers' generation
    their speed and resolution are amazing