
Computer System Timeline

By anakobe
  • Jacquard loom punch card

    Jacquard loom punch card
    Alana's link
    Punch card makes our lives easier in many different ways. It was very important in the olden days because it helped store data. “The Jacquard loom is a mechanical loom, invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard, first demonstrated in 1801, that simplifies the process of manufacturing textiles with complex patterns such as brocade, damask and matelasse. Used as storage.
  • Mechanical Calculator

    Mechanical Calculator
    Kelly's link
    First, Blaise Pascal invented the mechanical calculator in 1642. and Thomas’ arithmometer, the first commercially successful machine, was manufactured two hundred years later in 1851, it was the first mechanical calculator strong enough and reliable enough to be used daily in an office environment. It is an output device.
  • Chester Carlson's Xerox machine

    Chester Carlson's Xerox machine
    Muskaan's link
    1949, it shipped the first commercial photocopier: the XeroX Model A Copier, known inside the company as the "Ox Box." The product would likely have been a failure, except that it turned out to be a good way to make paper masters for offset printing presses, even with the difficulty of use. It is output device.
  • Transistors

    My link
    Transistors is a semiconductor device that is used to switch electronic signals and power. It started to develop in the 1950’s and its still the building block for electronics today. A voltage or current will be applied to one of the transistor’s terminals. It’s main purpose in the computer is to amplifying the signal. It is classified as processor.
  • Integrated Circuit (chip) - Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce

    Integrated Circuit (chip) - Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce
    Jaisa's link
    The Integrated Circuit was first invented on March 24, 1959. It is one of the most important devices to be ever invented. Society wouldn’t have personal computers or electronics without it. It is said to be the invention that changed everything. It is hardware
  • Mouse

    Sami's work
    The mouse was invented by an American inventor named Douglas Engelbart. He worked with Bill English. They wanted a more efficient way to interact with the computer screen. They invented the first mouse in 1964.
    It is a hardware device.
  • Seymour Rubenstein & Rob Barnaby - WordStar Software

    Seymour Rubenstein & Rob Barnaby - WordStar Software
    Tina's link
    WordStar is a word processor application. It was released in 1979 by Micropro International. WordStar was the first commercially successful word processing software program that is produced for the microcomputers, and it is also the best selling software program of the early eighties
  • MS-DOS Computer Operating System

    MS-DOS Computer Operating System
    Fiat's work MS-DOS short for Microsoft Disk Operating System) is an operating system for personal computer It was the most commonly used member of the DOS family of operating systems, and was the main operating system for IBM PC
    compatitble personal computers during the 1980s to the mid-1990s. It is a intermediary between hardware and programs
  • Apple Lisa computer

    Apple Lisa computer
    Neena's link
    The Apple Lisa Computer or the Lisa was designed by Apple computer, Inc. in 19 January 1983. It was the first personal computer to allow users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons. The development of the Lisa began in 1978. The Lisa was more advanced than the Macintosh. Steve Jobs joined the Macintosh project after being kicked out of the Lisa project.
  • Tim Burners Lee

    Tim Burners Lee
    Sharon's link
    Tim Berners-Lee is British computer scientist. His full name is Timothy John Berners-Lee He is known as an inventor of World Wide Web(www.). He was born at 8 June 1955 in London, and now he is 58 years old. His famous invented, World Wide Web(or what we call the web) was developed between March 1989 to December 1990.