
Computer & Related Technology Timeline

  • The First Computer

    The First Computer
    Charles Babbage plans a calculating machine that is considered to be the first computer.
  • The Invention of The Telephone

    The Invention of The Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone, transmitting the sound of the voice clearly over electrical wires.
  • Developing the Radio

    Developing the Radio
    WWI accelerates the development of radio for military communications.
  • Developing Computer Technology

    Developing Computer Technology
    WWII accelerates computer technology.
  • IBM is Formed

    IBM is Formed
    IBM technology company is formed and makes their first computer, the 701.
  • Invention of Pixels

    Invention of Pixels
    Russell Kirsch invented pixels, when he created a small, black and white digital image of his infant son.
  • Creation of Usernames and Passwords

    Creation of Usernames and Passwords
    Fernando Corbató introduces the modern computer passwords and usernames.
  • Creation of the Modern Mouse

    Creation of the Modern Mouse
    Douglas C. Engelbart created the first modern mouse at Stanford Research Institute.
  • The First Communications Satellite Launch

    The First Communications Satellite Launch
    First communications satellite is launched, allowing worldwide live broadcast of 1964 Olympics.
  • Origin of the USB Standard

    Origin of the USB Standard
    The USB is introduced as a standard for connecting hardware to PC’s as a collaborative effort between multiple American companies, including IBM, Microsoft Corporation, and Intel Corporation.
  • Creation of Relational DBMS

    Creation of Relational DBMS
    Edgar Codd developed relational DBMS, superior to all other DBMSs used at the time, which was quickly adopted by all major industries.
  • The First Microprocessor

    The First Microprocessor
    The microprocessor is invented by Intel.
  • Invention of the Mobile Phone

    Invention of the Mobile Phone
    Marty Cooper (the Father of Cellphones) invents the mobile phone.
  • Invention of the Internet

    Invention of the Internet
    Robert Kahn and Vincent Cerf invent the Internet, funded by the US Defense Department.
  • Microsoft is Formed

    Microsoft is Formed
    Paul Allen and Bill Gates found Microsoft, dominating the software industry.
  • Apple is Founded

    Apple is Founded
    Apple Company is founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne.
  • Creation of the World Wide Web

    Creation of the World Wide Web
    Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web.
  • First Version of Wi-fi

    First Version of Wi-fi
    A committee of the Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers called “802.11” released the first standard for wireless communication.
  • Google is Formed

    Google is Formed
    Google company is formed, dominating the Web.
  • First Mobile Phones with Wi-fi

    First Mobile Phones with Wi-fi
    The first mobile phones that were certified by the Wi-fi Alliance were released.