Punch Card System
the punch card system invented by Herman Hollerith to calculate the census saved the US government millions -
Turing Maching
Alan Turing creted the Turing machine a model of a computing machine that can uses predefined rules to determine results from a set of input variables -
Compture Chip
Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce ccreated a ingural circut called a computer chip. -
Industrial Robot
General Motors uses the first industrial robot in their New Jersey factory. -
Standardized Data Exchange
The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is created to standardize data exchange among computers. -
Computer with Mouse
Douglas Englebart begins the evolution of modern computers by introducing a computer with a mouse and GUI. -
The intel 1103 was the fisrt to have dynamic access memory -
Floppy Disk
Alan Shugart and his team create a floppy dick which is capable of tranfering data between computers. -
Bill Gates and Paul Allen establish Microsoft after creating Altair BASIC. -
Apple II
Apple introduces the fisrt personal computer with color graphics at the West Coast Computer Faire. -
Apple creates the first computer that has a GUI called Lisa -
Compaq creates a 32-bit desktop with a mainframe's speed called deskpro 386 -
Computer Games
The first games playable on computers were realeased -
Smart Phones
Apple brings computer functions to phones. -
Smart Watch
Apple realesase their smart watch, that allows more efficient useage of some iPhone features