John Atanasoff
Johns Website Invented the first digital computer and he is the child of bulgarian immigrants. -
Konrad Zuse
Built the first programable computer. he has Five children -
Robert Moriss
Developed Unix operating system and he had three sons and two daughters -
Philip Estridge
Developed the IBM personal computer and he died in a airline crash. -
Adam Osborne
Adam OsebornCreated 1st portable micro computer, but his buisness went bankrupt -
Vinton Cerf
Co-Founded The internet manerger of the usa research agency -
Nolan Beushell
Createde Atari Co. Founder of Chucky Cheese -
Abhay Bhushan
Abhay BhushanInternet author of transfer prtocol. president of the IIT Kampfer Federation -
Tim Berners-Lee
Created WWW (World Wide Web) he recived a fricking knighthood! -
Linus Torrvalds
Created Linux the most popular operating system and he isnt a US citizen. -
lenorard Klienrock
Mthamatic Theory of modern data net. he own a national medal.