Period: to
Early Pioneers
Charles Babbage
Learn More about charles babbageCharles babbage is considered the 'Father of Computers'. -
Ada Lovelace
read more about ada lovelaceMath Matician who worked with Charles Babbage on creating the first Analytical Machine. -
Period: to
Later Pioneers
John Atanasoff
known as father of the computer. -
Reynold Johnson
Created the first computer hard drive. -
Grace Hopper
Learn more about Grace Hoppergrace Hopper was a computer scientist that invented the first computer compilers -
Vinton Cerf
Vinton Cerf is known as the father of the internet. -
Anita Borg
Encouraged the careers of other female scientsts by founding the Institude for Women Technology. -
Alan Cooper
Alan is the Father of Visual Basic. -
Steve Jobs
Learn more about Steve JobsHe was the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. -
Tim BERners-Lee
He founded and Directs the World Wide Consortium (W3C) which is the forum for technical development of the Web. -
Linus Torvalds
Holds the Linux trademark and monitors it. -
Marissa Mayer
Marissa Mayer is the president and CEO of Yahoo! -
Alexis Ohaniam
Laxis was born in new york city, and is a co-Founder of Reddit. -
Aaron Levie
Started cloud storage company: BOX