Computer past to the future

  • Z1 Compuer

    Z1 Compuer
    Z1 computer was created by Konrad Zuse. it was a binary electrically driven calculator with limited programmity.
  • MARK computers

    MARK computers
    Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper invented these computer. It was built by the IBM.

    It was created by John Eckert and John Mauchly.Was the first general purpose electric computer.
  • Pilot ACE

    Pilot ACE
    It was created by Donald Watts and Allen turing who joined together to make the fastest digital computer. The Pilot ACE was Londons first electronic computer.
  • UNIVA1

    It was created by John Eckert and John Mauchly. It was the first commercial computer made in the United States.
  • Xerox Alto

    Was a landmark step in the development of computers.It is easy to use graphic software.
  • Altair portable computer

    Was the very first portable computer made.It is also very cheap so everyday people can get it.
  • Apple 1

    Steve W. and Steve J. created this computer. It did not cost a lot.
  • TRS-80 pocket computer

    First computer the company ever made. Was idealy for mathematics.
  • Kaypro 2000

    Cost 2k which was very eery expensive but it was portable. It only weighed 12 pounds which was not much for that time.
  • Amiga 1000

    It cost $1295 which was pretty cheap for its model. It comes in 16 optional colors.
  • Amiga 4000

    It cost 3700 dollars which was very expensive. It has 256 colorsthat are avilable on the screen.
  • Iphone 7

    Has a 20 mp side camera. When the I phone 7 comeas out it will cost $850.
  • Samsung galaxy 6

    Will have very good high definition viewing. It will be 5.2 minutes.
  • coffee table computer

    It costs 12 thousand dollars. It is also 46 inches long.