Plankalkul Developed by Konrad Zuse. First programming language designed for a computer.
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Computer Languages Timeline
MATH-MATIC Developed by Charles Katz and team
FORTRAN I Developed by John W. Backus and IBM. Used for numeric and scientific computing.
COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language) Developed by Grace Murray Hopper The first user friendly business computer software program.
LISP Developed by John McCarthy
BASIC (Beginners’ All- Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) Developed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz
RPG Developed by IBM
LOGO Developed by Wally Feurzeig
B Developed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. The program was typeless. Everything was a word.
Pascal Developed by Nicklaus Wirth and Kathleen Jensen
C Developed by Dennis Ritchie. Static type system that prevents unintended operation.
ML Developed by Robin Milner
C++ Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. This program is a combination of procedural and object oriented programming.
ADA Developed by Jean Ichbiah and S. Tucker Taft
SQL (Structural Query Language) Developed by Donald Chamberlain and Raymond Boyce
Python Developed by Guido van Rossum
Visual Basic Developed by Cooper and team for Microsoft
Java Developed by James Gosling
PHP Developed by Rasmus Lerdorf
Javascript Developed by Brendan Eich
Delphi Developed by Borland