Computer Inventions of the 1940s

  • Z3 Computer

    Z3 Computer
    The Z3 Computer was created by Konrad Zuse, a German engineer. It was an aerodynamic calculator. It was the world's first fully functional, programmable computer. It was destroyed in a bombing in 1943. It was rebuilt in the 1960s and currently resides in the Deutsches Museum.
  • The Atanasoff-Berry Computer Completed

    The Atanasoff-Berry Computer Completed
    The "ABC" Computer was the first electronic digital computer. It could solve linear equations. It, however, was not programmable. It used vacuum tubes to make computing faster.
  • Harvard Mark I

    Harvard Mark I
    This was a room-sized, relay based calculator. It was used in the war effort near the end of World War II. It was also used in the Manhattan Project.
  • The ENIAC is Unveiled

    The ENIAC is Unveiled
    ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. Because this computer was electronic and not electromechanical, it was 1000 times faster than any other computer invented before it. It was able to calculate thermonuclear reactions and much more.
  • The Curta Calculator

    The Curta Calculator
    The first batch of Curta Calculators went on sale in 1948. The Curta Calculator was a small, handheld calculator, the first of its kind. It was often used by pilots in the 1950s.