• Kurt Godel

    Kurt Godel
    Kurt Godel publishes paper on the universal formal language I selected this because The universal language is very important!
  • Hewlett Packard

    Hewlett Packard
    William Hewlett and David Packard begin Hewlett Packard. I selected this because Hewlett Packard satnds for HP a famous company and this is when it began.
  • Colossus

    Alen Turing develops code breaking machine called Colossus I chose this because Colossus is also a super hero and it is very important.
  • Boolian Algebra

    Boolian Algebra
    This was invented by George Boole I chose this because this import in the math minds of people
  • Transitsor Computer

    Transitsor  Computer
    Bell labs introduce Transistsor Computer I chose this because this makes it so they dont have to use vaccum tubes anymore

    The Common Business-Oriented Language, programming language is invented. I chose this because I thought that it was cool that people made something like a GUI makeing it so people that didn't understand computer language could now understand it.
  • Word Processor

    Word Processor
    The first word processer is introduced by IBM I chose this because I thought it is cool that everybody uses this and I don't know what life would be like without it.
  • E-mail

    The E-mail was invented by Ray Tomlinson I chose this because it is important that we can communicate with people over the internet.
  • Video Game

    Video Game
    The first video game was released, first commertial for a video game This is the fun part of a computer that was made just for peoples enjoyment.
  • Computers Everywhere

    Computers Everywhere
    Over half a million computers are being used in the U.S. I thought that this was crazy how fast computers spread around the U.S.