Electricity is discovered
Benjamin Franklin discovers electricity from an experiment by flying a kite in a storm. He performed the experiment in Philidelphia and succeeded in extracting electrical sparks from the clouds. http://www.kidsnewsroom.org/elmer/infocentral/frameset/inventors/franklin/index.html -
Calculator by Thomas de Colmar
In 1820, Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar, a French mathematician, created the first commercially successful mechanical calculator. The "Arithmometer" could perform the 4 operations. The idea came across Thomas de Colmar while he was serving in the French Army where he had to do a great deal of calculations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8DVTAeyXK4 -
Difference Engine
The Difference Engine is an automatic, mechanical calculator using the decimal number system. This machine was powered by cranking a handle. The British Government took interest in Babbage's machine as producing tables was time-consuming and expensive. This engine was initailly built to tabulate polynomial functions, or divided differences. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8tmfcOg8l8 -
The Analytical Machine by Charles Babbage
The Analytical Engine has many essential features found in the modern digital computer. This machine was proposed as the first general-purpose computer. Babbage decided that the his previous creation, the Difference engine was too complicated, a more simple design was possible.The input (programs and data) was to be provided to the machine via punched cards. There was to be a memory capable of holding 1000 numbers of 40 decimal places each. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGuBYrvS9wY -
Samuel Morse proves that signals can be transmitted through wires How it worked: pulses of current would move a marker which would produce written codes on a strip of paper. This was called the Morse Code http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lki3jxNLVCI -
Ada Lovelace and the Anayltical Enigne
Ada Lovelace wrote the first published description of a stepwise sequence of operations for solving certain mathematical problems. She collaborated with Charles Babbage to develop and enhance the Anayltical Enigine. Ada’s notes explained how the Engine differed from the original Difference Engine.Because of this, she is credited as the first computer programmer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPDsaZkVsFc -
The QWERTY keyboard
The QWERTY keyboard is still used today on laptops, comupters and other elctroncial devices. Christopher Latham Sholes, the inventor of the keyboard, built the first version with many flaws. One of them being that the letters were too close together, it was clumsy and often led to jamming. Sholes struggled for 5 years before perfecting the QWERTY keyboard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbAnMlqpp4o -
Invention of the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell was the first credited man for the electric telephone. However, he was not the only working on it. Many other engineers were invovled in the making of the telephone. The early history of the telephone became and still remains a confusing morass of claims and counterclaims. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWUP9EigdjY -
First phonograph
Thomas Edison intorduced the first phonograph, a machine that could both record and reproduce sound - similar to the modern recorder. Scratches, grooves and engraved marks would be on the disc and would project sound out of the mouth. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wmg0BD_rR6Y -
Invention of the printing machine
Made by Williams S Burroughs, the first widely used printing machine was powered by a crank. The printer consisted of 10 rollers which only printed black ink. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtB33fb1LEs -
Henry Babbage
Henry Babbage, Charles Babbage's youngest son, completes a portion of the anayltical machine and was able to perform simple calculations. Henry built an experimental four-function calculator for the Mill for the Analytical Engine, completing it in 1910 when he was eighty-six years old. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NRXOGVC9ts -
IBM was founded
The Computer - Tabulating - Recording company (now know as IBM) was founded. Later in 1924, it was renamed to IBM (International Business Machines). IBM is an American multinational technology and consulting corporation. The company manufactures and markets computer hardware and software. -
Philo Farsworth and the TV signal
Philo Farnsworth was the first inventor to transmit a television image comprised of 60 horizontal lines. The first image successfully transmitted was a dollar sign. Farnsworth developed the dissector tube, the basis of all current electronic televisions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOlJCezrUE4 -
Motorola is founded
Motorola (originally named Galvin Manufacturing Corporation Auto) is founded. Motorola now sells wireless network infrastructure equipment such as cellular transmission base stations and signal amplifiers. -
The invention of the PCB
Paul Eisler invents the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) while working on a radio. Around 1943 the USA began to use the technology on a large scale to make proximity fuses for use in World War II. Later on, the USA released the invention, allowing commerical use.
Now, PCBs are used for computers, tablets, phones, mouses and many more. -
Konrad Zuse and the Z3
Konrad Zuse introduces the Z3, the world's first working programmable, fully automatic computing machine. Program code and data were stored on punched film. The Z3 was built with 2,000 relays, implementing a 22 bit word length that operated at a clock frequency of about 5–10 Hz. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRAkPF7Npj4 -
ENIAC computer
The ENIAC computer is a general-purpose electronic digital calculator. This computer by most is considered to be the first electronic computer. -
First computer company
Electronics Controls Company is founded by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, the same individuals who helped create the ENIAC computer. -
Steve Jobs was born
Born to John Jandali and Joanne Carole Schieble,who were university students. unmarried.Due to family disagreements, they had to put the baby open for adoption. Adopted by Paul Reinhold Jobs and Clara Jobs, a high school graduate and college drop out respectively. -
NASA lanches TIROS,the first weather satellite in space
First successful low earth orbital weather satellite. Launched by NASA , from Cape Canaveral,Florida,USA.Although operational only for 78 days(15 fewer then planned) this helped show atellites were good for showing atmospheric conditions -
First E-mail sent
The very first email said QWERTYUIOP and ASDFGHJKL, the timeless words.The first email also showed how to use @ as a character. -
Magnavox Odyssey-first console
The origenal price of the Magnavox Odyssey was $75 it comes with 2 seperate controlers ,no CPU an built in games http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2EIsnr_cv4 -
First computer with keyboard and mouse
graphical user interface-a way of interacting visually with a computer using windows and icons -
Apple is founded
Founders: Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne -
First word processor
WordPerfect is a word-processing program that's been around since 1980, when personal computers were in their infancy. Word processing replaced typewriters as the primary means of creating business documents. -
First Handheld Mobile Phone
Made by John F. Mitchell and Dr. Martin Cooper
Weight:1 kg/2.2lb -
Blackberry is founded
Founder: Mihalis Mike Lazaridis, 51
Nationality: Greek-Canadian -
World Wide Web is introduced
Abbreviated as WWW or W3, this is a system of interlinked hypertext that can be accessed via the Internet.With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia, and navigate between them via hyperlinks -
Google is founded
By Sergey Mikhaylovich Brim,39 and Lawrence Larry Page,39
As of now, Google is the most used web browser. -
Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows 2000 was released -
Wikipedia is founded
Wikipedia is founded by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. -
First Tablet
This is the first tablet PC by Microsoft Size: 12 inch widescreen format with a resolution of 1280x800 pixels
Feautures: This PC is like a book, it is foldable and has an attached keyboard. Tablet comes with a stylus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0ieg6P-rF8 -
Safari internet browser
Apple launches Safari -
Skype was first released in 2003 written by Estonian developers Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, and Jaan Tallinn -
Facebook is released
Facebook is created by Mark Zuckerburg -
Youtube is founded by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim -
Twitter is launched by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams, and Biz Stone -
First iPhone invented
By Steve Jobs -
Google introduces Chrome, an internet browser -
Microsoft launches the Bing search engine -
Steve Jobs died