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Computer History (Sid G7)

By sid2001
  • Start of Early Computer History

    Start of Early Computer History
    This was when people started to have ideas about technicsl stuff, like calculators.
  • Period: to

    Early Computer History

    This was the beginning of the ideas starting to form.
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    He lived from 1791 to 1871. He was the one who invented part of the successful analytical engine. He had four siblings and studied in Cambridge.
  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace
    She was believed to be the first "computer programmer" due to her work with the inventor called Charles Babbage. She was very interested by the analytical engine made by Charles.
  • Christopher Sholes

    Christopher Sholes
    He was the inventor of one of the many things we would not be able to use the computer without, the QWERTY keyboard we use today. He also invented the typewriter.
  • Start of First Generation

    Start of First Generation
  • Period: to

    First Generation

    This is the beginning of computer technology.
  • Herman Hollerith

    Herman Hollerith
    He was the inventor who made the tabulating machine to calculate the census at an astonishing rate so time wouldn't be wasted on all the population growth counting.
  • Tabulating Machine

    Tabulating Machine
    This was cereated by Herman Hollerith to calculate the census, which is population growth. It was used by the Census Bureau of U.S.A.
  • Walter Brattain

    Walter Brattain
    This was yet another scientist who had worked with Shockley and Bardeen to make the transistor during the space race.
  • John Bardeen

    John Bardeen
    This was the birth of a scientist who soon worked with William Shockley and Walter Brattain to create the tansistor, which helped the U.S. beat Russia in the Great Space Race.
  • William Shockley

    William Shockley
    This was the birth of another such scientist who would work towards making a transistor with his colleagues.
  • IBM

    This program was the International Business Machines Corporation. It created the computers so people could use it for doing only business.
  • Jack Kilby

    Jack Kilby
    He was a scientist who was part of the making of the intregrated circuit in the third generation.
  • Douglas Engelbart

    Douglas Engelbart
    He was a very important pioneer in the early internet as well as computers. He was the one who invented the computer mouse we use today. He just passed away on July 2nd, 2013
  • Robert Noyce

    Robert Noyce
    He came up with another modification of Jack Kilby's circuit. This solved many problems that Kilbu's circuit could not solve.
  • Analytical Engine

    Analytical Engine
    Charles Babbage created part of thuis machine which could calculate properly. He never finished it.
  • Start of First Generation

    Start of First Generation
    Start of first generation of computers
  • ENIAC was announced to public

    ENIAC was announced to public
    John Mauchly and Presper Eckert announced the ENIAC, which was used to tabulate the firing accuracy of the military weapons of the U.S.
  • Transistors

    This was when John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain made the first working transistor that could be used in the great space race between America and Russia.

    This was when the UNIVAC was invented to be the first computer used for business and it was used to predict an election and missed its mark by 1.4 %
  • Start of Second Generation

    Start of Second Generation
  • Period: to

    Second Generation

    The time period when computers were improved. Few decades after WWII.
  • The Great Space Race

    The Great Space Race
    This was the time when Russia became the first country to send a man to space. America retaliated, saying that they will be the first to put a man on the moon.
  • Start of Third Generation

    Start of Third Generation
  • Period: to

    Third Generation

    This was the time when we started improving the transistors.
  • The First Mouse

    The First Mouse
    The first mouse ever to be used was made by Douglas Engelbart. It was carved from wood and also had 2 wheels and a button attached to it.
  • Microprocessors

    This was the time when the many different companies like Intel made something which incorporated everything into one silicone chip called a microprocessor.
  • Start of Fourth Generation

    Start of Fourth Generation
  • Period: to

    Fourth Generation

    The period of time when we started using chip technology and microprocessors.
  • Apple Industries

    Apple Industries
    This was the industries founded by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne, and Steve Wozniak and became a really successful company to go up against Microsoft.
  • Xerox industries

    Xerox industries
    This was the first company to create the first GUI which means graphical user interface. It was soon bought by Steve Jobs.