The Complex Number Calculator
http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/?year=1950This CNC was finished in 1939 but was not shown until 1940 by George Stibitz the man who designed and demonstrated the computer. -
Z3 computer
The Z3 computer was built by a german guy named Konrad Zuse. The maker of this computer built this computer in complete isolation.The first made computer was destored in a bombing and was later remade in the 1960. -
Piolet ACE
location This project was started in 1947 and finished in 1950 which had been designed by Alan Turing but was later taken away because of mental problems. So James H. Wilkinson took over the project and Harry Huskey helped with the design. The Pilot ACE ran its first program on May 10, 1950, and was demonstrated to the press in December 1950. -
HistoryAn imperative programming language is shown to the world. It was designed by John Backus in 1957. It is a popular language in the area of high performance computing.Fortran is still used today, the stable release was in 2008. -
History Atari was originally an a video game. Then they came out with thea microcomputer with gaming similarities the frist one which was called Modle400 was meant to more like a gaming systems and the second computer which was called modle800 was meant to be more of a home computer. -
[history ](http://://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh)
This is a apple product designed by steve jobs. The computer was the first big thing on the market as far as computers with graphical user interface and a mouse go. -
The neXT computer
[History ](http://://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NeXT_Computer) The company was founded by steve jobs and This computer was also desinged by steve jobs , sadly the computer was discontinued in 1990 . Althought The neXT computer was discontinued, the computer was merged with the apple companie -
Designed by finnish university by some talented students that attened the school. In 1992 linux became a free software after some inproving was done to the thing such as support for peripherals. -
Mosaic web browser
history The first comercial networking created by Eric Bina and Marc Andreessen at the University of Illinois’s National Center for Supercomputers. By 1994 mosaic was available to a couple of Operating systems such as Mac OS and Windows -
A swedish company made the bluetooth. Not one other company had this kind of tecnology. The name Bluetooth came from a10th century Danish king Harald blatand or harld Bluetooth in English. -
The first tablet was made by microsoft (i am guess) and it was made 10 years before apples came out with its Ipad. In 2002 bill gates came out with a new tablet with color. Today microsoft is still coming out with new and improved tablets. -
The ipod was designed by steve jobs . The ipod is a portable media player because the ipod caused a threat to music companies apples and music companies made itunes where you can buy songs and store them on you ipod. This only inproved the profit for the ipod which was only sold in white at first. -
The XBox is a gaming system created and owned by the microsoft companie. the XBox was introduced in 2001 and was maketed world wide. Still today the XBox is being inproved and being sold. -
The was founded by the nintendo on novermber 19 2006. Of couse the wii is a competes with the xbox 360. Still today the wii is being improved and still being sold world wide. the wii is also known a revoltion which is a code name (idk)