Computer History

  • First Camara

    First Camara
    The invention of the first camara made by Nicéphore Niépce
  • The First Mechanical Computer

    The First Mechanical Computer
    This first computer was made by Charles Babbage. This computer was called 'Difference Engine'.
  • The Mechanical Second Computer

    The Mechanical Second Computer
    This is the second computer made. It was made by the same man who invented the first computer, Chalres Babbage. This computer is called 'Analytical Engine'
  • Television was made

    Television was made
    Television was made and designed by Philo Taylor
  • First high-speed printer

    First high-speed printer
    The first Hign-speed printer invented
  • Programme 101, the first PC

    Programme 101, the first PC
    The first PC
  • First Video game console

    First Video game console
    The first video game console, The 'Magnavox Odyssey'
  • First Handhold Phone

    First Handhold Phone
    The first handhold phone
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft officially established
  • Period: to

    Touchscreen Phone

    The touchscreen phone
  • Apple

    Apple officially established
  • World Wide Web (WWW)

    World Wide Web (WWW)
    This is when the World Wide Web was created
  • Wi-Fi

    Wi-Fi was invented
  • X-box

    The X-box was made
  • PSP

    PSP was made
  • Wii

    The wii was made