Computer History

By TS4248
  • Z3 computer

    Z3 computer
    The Z3 Computer was built by German engineer Konrad Zuse. The Z3 was used for aerodynamics calculations but was destroyed in a bombing raid.
  • Johnniac Computer

    Johnniac Computer
    The Johnniac Computer is one of 17 computers that followed the basic design of Princeton's Institution of Advance Study. it was used for scientific and engineering calculating
  • ERMA

    SRI International designs ERMA (Electronic Recording Machine Accounting) for Bank of America. ERMA could process the number of accounts that would have taken well-trained bankers nearly 17 workdays to finish
  • DAC-1

    In 1960, IBM joined the project, producing the first commercially available Computer-Aided Design program,known as DAC
  • Networks come online

    Networks come online
    The ARPAnet is the first large-scale, general-purpose computer network to connect different kinds of computers together

    The Special Computer APL Machine Portable (SCAMP) personal computer prototype is developed at IBM's Los Gatos and Pato Alto, California laboratories IBM's first personal computer, the system was designed to run the APL
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Apple introduced a new computer with the main logic board, switching power supply, keyboard case, manual, game paddles, and cassette tape containing the game Breakout.
  • Comodoor 64

    Comodoor 64
    The C64 as it is better known sells for $595 comes with 64 KB of RAM and features impressive graphics.
  • Sony VAIO

    Sony VAIO
    Sony had manufactured and sold computers in Japan, but the VAIO signals their entry into the global computer market. The first VAIO a desktop computer featured an additional 3D interface
  • Minecraft

    Minecraft allows players to build towers and play challenges. Tha game could be played in either survival or creative mode