Computer history

Computer History

  • HP founded in garage

    HP founded in garage
    *Not actual date
  • Atanasoff-Berry Computer made

    Atanasoff-Berry Computer made
  • CNC is made by Bell Telephone Laboratories

  • Z3 computer by Konrad Zuse

    Z3 computer by Konrad Zuse
  • Z3 destroyed

  • Project Whirlwind

  • Harvard Mark-1 A.K.A. IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator

    Harvard Mark-1 A.K.A. IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator
  • Colossus - Nazi communications decoder

  • EDVAC Concept

  • ENIAC by Mauchley

    ENIAC by Mauchley
  • IBM Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator

  • EDSAC by Maurice Wilkes

    EDSAC by Maurice Wilkes
  • Manchester Mark I

    Manchester Mark I
  • ERA 1101 by Engineering Research Associates of Minneapolis

    ERA 1101 by Engineering Research Associates of Minneapolis
  • Standards Eastern Automatic Computer by National Bureau of Standards

  • Whirlwind revealed on "See It Now"

  • Lyons Electronic Office

  • SSEC shut down

  • IBM 701 - First electronic computer by IBM

    IBM 701 - First electronic computer by IBM
  • IBM 650 calculator

    IBM 650 calculator
  • TX-0 by MIT

  • SAGE operated by Whirlwind IIs

  • Z3 reconstructed

  • PDP-1 by DEC

  • IBM has 81.2% of computer market

  • Laboratory Instrumentation Computer by Lincoln Laboratories

  • System/360 by IBM

    System/360 by IBM
  • CDC 6600

  • PDP-8 by Digital Equipment Corp

    PDP-8 by Digital Equipment Corp
  • HP-2115

  • Copies of S/360 start coming out - First by Telex

  • Period: to

    Atansoff Court Case

  • Intel 4004 - First micro-processor

    Intel 4004 - First micro-processor

  • The Alto by Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

  • Altair 8800 by MITS

    Altair 8800 by MITS
  • VDM prototype

  • Tandem-16

  • Apple-1

  • Cray I

  • MITS sold to Pertec

  • Apple II

  • Atari 400 and 800 released

  • IBM PC running on MS-DOS

  • Apollo DN100

  • Commodore 64 "greatest selling single computer model of all time"

    Commodore 64 "greatest selling single computer model of all time"
  • Apple Lisa

  • 111 000 000 of IBM computer clone sales

  • Macintosh

  • Commodore Amiga 1000

  • Massive parallelism concept introduced

  • IBM PS/2

  • S/360 architecture makes up more than half of IBM revenue