Period: to
Computer History
Difference Engine
This was made by Charles Babbage. It calculated increments in 2, but when it reached a certain number, it was programmed to jump to another number. It was supposed to remove human error if it was successful. -
This was built by Tommy Flowers. Using valves, it cracked the Lorenz Cipher, the German code, thus, Britain could win the war. 9 more were built later. 8 were dismantled and 2 were never seen again. -
Built by John Mauchly and John Eckert. It was the first general-purpose computer. It was programmed to solve a large classs of numerical problems. -
The first computer to use CRT technology as a monitor. -
Apple 1
The first Apple computer, made by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozinak. -
Atari 2600
It was made by 'Atari Inc.' The first video console to use plug-in cartridges instead of built-in-games. -
Wireless Connection (WiFi)
Wifi allows its users to connect to the internet without using an Ethernet cable. It allowed 2/Mbit link speeds. However, it was not as stable as Ethernet. It either uses 2.4 hertz or 5 hertz. -
Nokia 3310
Mobile phone that is nearly indestructible, it is one of the most successful phones. Made by Nokia. -
iPhone 1
First Apple-OS smartphone, the beginning of a successful series of smartphones. -
HTC Dream
First Android-OS based smartphone, soon to become a rival against Apple.