Project Whirlwind
WW2 the US navy approches masatuchests instatude of technology about buliding a flight simulatro to train bomber crews. It was the first of hundrideds of flight simulators we see today. -
TRADIC, AT&T Bell Laboratories announced the first fully transistorized computer
Computer History Museum It enabled the machine to operate on fewer than 100 watts, it was a computer that took less power than a comparable vacuum tube computers. Which only occupied only 3 cubic feet -
Virtutal memory
Virtutal memory is created. It allows computers to use its storage capacity to switch rapidly though multiple programs.
This is how we can switfch to different things easly. -
IBM disk storage
IBm makes disk storage drive. First disk disk ever made with removable disk pack. The disk would rotate at 1,500 rpms.
This was a huge milestone in portable disks. -
Xerox opens Palo Alto reseach center.
Xerox opens Palo Alto research center. They were the first people which invented the graphical interface, and laser printer.
This is how we see computer screans the way we do now. -
Researchers at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center designed the Alto
Was the first computers to bulid a computer with a mouse. -
Apple Macantosh
Apple alunches the macantosh the first suscessful mouse drivin computer with graphic user interface. -
Pixar is funnded by apple co owner steve jobs who purchased the group from luacs fillms for 10 milllion dollars. Over the next decade Pixar films becomes very succesfull. -
Yahoo is founded by two graduate students Jerry Yang and David Filo.