Period: to
Early History of Computer
Period: to
First Genertion Computer
Time period for First Generation of Computer -
ENIAC was announced to the public
--1st computer
--Stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
--Weighed 27 tons
--Consumed 150 kilowatts
--Contain vacuum tubes -
Period: to
Second Generation of Computer
Time period for 2nd Generation of Computer -
IBM 1401 was announced
--Transistor Computer
--Smaller; less heat; consumed less energy
--First one in 1953 -
IBM System/360 was announced
--Used chips
--MUCH smaller; cheaper
--“Mainframes” -
Period: to
Third Genertion of Computer
Time period for 3rd Generation of Computer -
Micro Processor
--Micro Processor [AKA CPU]
--1971~ Present
--By Marcian Hoff, Masatoshi Shima, and Stanley Mazor
--Heart of all computer -
Period: to
Fourth Generation of Computer