Jan 1, 1000
200 BC First device known to carry out calculations -
Invented by french dude, calculated sums. -
math device
Gottfried von leibniz invents a device that adds, subtracts, divides, multiplies. -
Weave Via Punch cards
French weaver finds that using punch cards he could 'program' his weaver -
"Device Engine"
English mathematician invents 2 calculating machines - Difference Engine
Analytical Engine -
Electricity run punch card machine
Used to calculate census data. -
Mark 1
Punch cards fed into machine
52 feet long
50 tons
750,000 parts -
Built at univ of penn 18,000 vacuum tubes
30 tons -
built and sold to the US census bureau -
invention of transistors
faster, smaller, more reliable, more energy efficiant computers -
First Microprocessor
CPU on a chip was invented -
First Apple computer
Built in a garage. -
Period: to
Computers become:
Faster and more affordable -
"personal computer" invented.