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Computer History

  • Blaise Pascall invents the Arithmetic Machine

    This was important because a computer is basically a very strong calculating device and this was the first mechanical calculation device.
  • Period: to


    Specific dates are not included. All dates will show up as Jan 1 , Year xxxx
  • Joseph Marie Jacquard used punch cards to automate a weaving loom

    This was important because the use of punched cards to store data was even used until the early/mid-20th Century.
  • Charles P. Babbage invents the difference Machine.

    This was important because it was the first automatic, mechanical computer that could do many calculations and print them out.
  • Augusta Ada suggests the Binary System.

    This was important because most computers, mobile phones, or most other computing devices today still use a binary system.
  • Lee De Forest invents the vacuum tube,

    This was important because it was one of the first mediums of storing computer memory.
  • Konrad Zuse invents the first programmable computer, the Z3.

    This was important because this was the first programmable computer and it also ran on a binary system; it could be called the “first modern computer.”
  • The ENIAC was developed by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, Jr. at the University of Pennsylvania.

    This was important because it was the first fully functional digital computer.
  • William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain of Bell Labs invented the transistor.

    This was important because modern electronic devices still use transistors
  • First Personal Computer, the Simon by Berkeley Enterprises was introduced with a price tag of $300.

    This was important because it sparked the idea that computers could be small enough to be used personally and not a big machine that took up a whole room.
  • On April 7, 1953 IBM publicly introduced the 701, its first electric computer and first mass produced computer.

    This was important because it was the first computer that was mass produced.
  • A major internet is started as a U.S. government defense agency, ARPANET, needs to connect many machines on many smaller networks.

    This was important because it was the first time the internet was used in such a large scale.
  • Intel introduces the first 1k dynamic RAM on a chip which quickly replaces magnetic core memory.

    This was important because modern electronic devices still use random access memory.
  • Intel released the first microprocessor, the 4004 (invented by Ted Hoff) a specialized integrated circuit chip which was able to process four bits of data at a time at 108 khz using some 2000 transistors.

    This was important because modern electronic devices still depend on their microprocessors to run.
  • Although it was never sold, the first workstation is considered to be the Xerox Alto.

    This was important because it was the first computer to have similar ideas to computers now.
  • Apple company was formed and released its first computer, the Apple I.

    This was important because Apple was the company that released a lot of revolutionary computers.
  • The IBM PC was introduced with a 16-bit microprocessor.

    This was important because it was the first successful personal computer.
  • Osborne 1, the first “flip” laptop was introduced.

    This was important because it was the first portable computer that resembles computers today.
  • Apple introduced the Macintosh computer, which uses a graphical interface instead of the usual text command interface, making the computer much easier to use.

    This was important because it was one of the first easy-to-use-computer that was user friendly.
  • Microsoft Windows 1.0 is introduced in November 20, 1985

    This was important because it was the first OS made by one Microsoft, which is the dominant OS company for personal computers now.
  • A nondestructive worm was introduced into the Internet network bringing thousands of computers to a halt.

    This was important because it was the first widespread computer virus.
  • Atari Portfolio was released.

    This was important because it was the first handheld computer.
  • Wifi was patented by the Australian radioastronomer John O'Sullivan

    This was important because wi-fi is widely used today.
  • Microsoft releases Windows XP.

    This was important because it was one of the most used operating systems for computers.
  • Apple introduces the Iphone.

    This was important because it was the most innovative smartphone that changed the way smartphones were used forever.