Vannevar Bush builds the differential analyzer at M.I.T. I used this becasue its like the base of computers -
Moore analyzer completed
The Moore School differential analyzer is completed
I used this one because of the big bulky old supercomputer style it had -
Zuse's Z1
Zuse introduces his Z1, the first programmable calculating machine to use the binary system. It is used to solve complex engineering equations on the base of binary codes
I used this becasues this machine uses the base of Binary codes -
Whirlwind computer
The Whirlwind computer, the first real-time computer, is developed by Jay Forrester and his team at MIT
Like it says in the description, because its the first real-time computer -
Magnetic Memory
Jay Forester develops magnetic memory at M.I.T.
Same guy that made the Whirlwind computer thats why i used it -
IBM enters into 'The History of Computers'.
thats like when they were first recognized thats why i used it -
Keyboard computer
IBM introduces the IBM 360, developed by Gene Amdahl
Ken Olsen, founder of DEC, introduces the PDP-1, the first computer with a keyboard and a monitor. It is priced at US$120,000
this is one of the first computers
I used it because of the first mouse and keyboard was made -
Operating systems
IBM hires Microsoft to develop an operating system for their proposed personal computer. Gates and company develop MS-DOS and take the first steps on their way to obscene riches. By the end of the year, over 120,000 Apple computers have been sold.
This is the first operating software
I used it to compare how much Apple thrived -
Power P.C
Apple, IBM and Motorola announce the availablillity of the Power PC
This was one of the most popular computer announcements thats why i used it -
Apple releases the iMac
Again another important announcement