
Computer History

  • The First Computer

    The First Computer
    If we are tracking the history of the computer, we have to start at the beginning, which is to say the inception of the computer. The Z1 computer was the first computer in the full literal sense of the word. Its memory was a mere 64 words of 22 bits each. In contrast to today's slick lightweight products, the Z1 weighed over two thousand pounds. No matter the bulky size this is still the first computer and therefore earns a mark in history.
  • Collossus

    The British invented a computer named Collossus. They used this computer during World War II to break the German code of cmmunication. This marks a shift from solving engineering problems to solving nearly every type of problem imaginable and the use of computers in warfare.
  • LEO (Lyons Electronic Office)

     LEO (Lyons Electronic Office)
    The LEO was the first business computer. This invention has lanched us into an age in which computing skills are intertwined with one's economic value. This is to say that computer skills begin to slowly become standardized as a necessary trait.
  • Hard Disk

    Hard Disk
    IBM invented the first hard disk. It had a memory of 5MB and ran for $1,000,000. It does mark the beginning of external memory and all of the perks that come with that e.g. portability and back up memory.
  • Moore's Law

    Moore's Law
    Moore's Law suggested that the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. The reason why this is so crucial is that it was only supposed to predict the next ten years but has in fact proved successful in approximating the number of transistors used on integrated circuits even today. It allows predictions of development and helps facilitate economic predictions.
  • Pong

    Nolan Bushnell develops the videogame Pong and now computers have become fun. The game is a smash hit and becomes the biginning of using computers to develop entertainment.
  • Blue Boxes

    Blue Boxes
    Steve Wozniak creates blue boxes that allow for free long distance telephone calls. This is another step in the instant connection of the world due to computing.
  • The First Laptops

    The First Laptops
    Osborne introduces the Osborne 1. It weighs 24 pounds and is considered the first portable computer. Though this is heavy compared to our modern laptops, the idea sets the stage for future laptops and the portablility of computers.
  • Viruses

    There is a dramatic increase in the number of known computer viruses. This marks the true beginning of digital crime and the reason for all of the anti-virus software that exists nowadays.
  • iPad

    Apple released the first iPad and sold 300,000 units on the first day. This lightweight, intuitive computation device is the future of technological advance and computing. Not to mention, they are so dog gone fun!