Computer Generation 1980

By Eviaed
  • TRS-80

    Steve Leininger was a co creator of this computer and was the first to display color other than black and white. Radio Shack was the manufacturer. They were discounted in 1981, after, nearly 100,000 computers were sold.
  • Microsoft Laptop

    Microsoft Laptop
    In Japan it was rumored there was a new laptop to have LCD screen and 20 character keys
    1982 Engineer Kazuhiko Nishi and Bill gates began talking about building a new laptop with portable abilities. To have somebody manufactured they went to radio shake and they agreed to manufacture.
    With many minds on these new innovated features it was the start of improving a portable computer. From there on they had the foundation that had build us touch screen flip computers today.
  • Meet Lisa

    Meet Lisa
    In 1983 Apple introduced their first personal computer, Lisa. This was one of the first personal computers that weren't used for business. Now, it would be worth nearly $10,000.
  • The Invention of the Internet

    In 1983, the internet was invented, Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn, worked together to create it. By 1989 there were 100,000 hosts. The invention of the internet changed a lot for us. It made it easier to share information with others.
  • Macintosh

    Macintosh was the modal to be a more efficient Apple product from the Lisa computer which was a failed computer basically. It failed because it was slow and lacked power.