Two professers named John Mauchly and J.Presper Eckert built the first electronic genral purpose computer -
Presper and Mahculy get funded to build U.N.I.V.A.C the first comercial computer for buisness and goverment applacations -
COBOL was the first languge computer teacher -
The FORTRAN language is born. -
Computer chip
Jack Kilbley and Robert Nouce univel invented the computer chip -
the DRAM was the first dyamic acces memery chip -
floppy disc
the floppy disc is born -
Robert metacade leads a group to invent the ethernet cable for hardware and other moddels -
apple co
the apple co made the first apple compter -
apple compter 2
the apple computer changes it logo and comes out with another compter -
Radio shack came out with a computer that sold like crazy -
World star
world proccesing becomes a reality when micro companys came out with the World star -
the first computer with a moniter -
Apple lisa
it is the first apple computer with a GUI -
music and photogragh
music and photograughs were added to pc