
  • First Motion Picture

    First Motion Picture
  • Iron Lung

    Iron Lung
  • The CNC is completed

    The CNC is completed
  • Konrad Zuse finishes the Z3 Computer

    Konrad Zuse finishes the Z3 Computer
  • The first Bombe is completed

    The first Bombe is completed
  • First Computer

    First Computer
  • Nimrod on display at Festival of Britain

    Nimrod on display at Festival of Britain
  • First Computer in Car

    First Computer in Car
  • SuperPaint is completed

    SuperPaint is completed
  • Birth of Mobile Networks

    Birth of Mobile Networks
  • Star wars is released

    Star wars is released
  • Atari launches the Video Computer System game console

    Atari launches the Video Computer System game console
  • Atari introduces its Model 400 and 800 computers

    Atari introduces its Model 400 and 800 computers
  • First Laptop

    First Laptop
  • E.T. relased

    E.T. relased
  • Apple introduces the Lisa computer

    Apple introduces the Lisa computer
  • The Terminator is released

    The Terminator is released
  • The Mr. Hash is born

    The Mr. Hash is born
  • Pixar is founded

    Pixar is founded
  • Tecmo Bowl is released

    Tecmo Bowl is released
  • Photoshop is released

    Photoshop is released
  • First Smartphone

    First Smartphone