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First Generation Computers
First Generations Computers were large, expensive, and used vacuum tubes for circutry. Their memory was stored in magnetic drums, which could not store much data. Lastly, these computers used machine language, the lowest programming language, not allowing the computer to do multiple things at a timee -
The Colossus
Colossus was built using 1500 vacuum tubes and pulleys that transported rolls of punched paper that contained possible solutions to a code. This computer was build to break Nazi Lorenz ciphers during World War II. Colossus shortened time put into deceiphering the code into hours. -
ENIAC Computer
Built by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, ENIAC was the first general-purpose electrical computer. The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was programmed using plug boards and switches, and greatly improved computer speed by 1000. -
The First Transistor
William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and John Bardeen were the first to make a successful point-contact transistor, using strips of gold foil pushing down on germanium. Transistors would later be improved and replace the vacuum tubes in the computer. -
The A-O Complier
Grace Hopper creates the A-O compiler. This was the first complier, which could translate mathmatical code into machine language. The A-O complier would be the base for other compliers in the future. -
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Second Generation Computers
The Second Generation Computers replaced the vacuum tubes in computers with transistors (which were created in 1958), and used symmbolic or assembly languages that allowed to programmers to be more specific. Computers becaome smaller, faster, cheaper, and more energy efficient. These were the first computers that stored in the instructions in the memory. -
TRADIC Computer
J. H. Felker and J. R. Harris create the TRADIC computer for the Air Force, replacing vacuum tubes with transistors. The TRADIC (Transistor Digital Computer) contained 700 transistors, and used 100 watts of energy less than the first generation computers at the time. -
TX-O Computer
MIT researchers build the TX-O computer, the first programmable computer with transistors. Each transistor circuit was placed inside a bottle so replacement would be easy. It was moved to research laboratories where it was able to do easy programming such as tic-tac-toe and a maze. -
The PDP-1 was the first computer that focues on user interaction. These computers included graphic display and did not need air conditioning or multiple operators. MIT hackers would use this computer to write the first computer video game SpaceWar!. -
Space War
Students at MIT wrist the first interactive computer game Space War!. This was first played on the PDP-1, and featured graphics that would inspre other video games. Players would use "joysticks" to move away from gravitational forces and enemy ships, and shoot at other players. -
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Third Generation Computers
The integrated circut is what revolutionized the Third Generation Computers. These computers downsizzed transistors and placed them on semiconductiors. The introduction of keyboards, monitors, and anoperation system also came about during this time. Computers also became avaliable for the public, -
PDP-8 Computer
Digital Equipment Corp. create the cirst commercially successfull mini computer, the PDP-8. This computer was small, fast, and ha reasomable cost, selling for 18,000, a fifth of the price of a IBM 360. Many manufacturing plants, small businesses, and labs would buy this computer. -
Univeristy of Illinois is contacted to build the ILLIAN IV, a large paralell processing computer. ALthough it did not operate until 1972, this was the first large scale array computer. It reached a computation speed of 200 million instructions per second. -
Evans and Sutherland
Professors of Computer Science, David Evans and Ivan Sutherland form Evans and Sutherland. This compamy developed graphics known as a frame buffer, which were used for high-speed memory to capture video. Many computer graphic engineers were trained by this company, and still exists today. -
SRI's International Shakey
Shakey, built by SRI International, because the first mobile robot controlled by artificial intelligence. Shakey contained sensing devices that was operated by a problem solving program called STRIPS, and used a TV camera, laer rance finder, and bump sensors to collect dara. -
Deisgned by John V. Blankenbaker, the Kenbak-1 was the first personal computer. Advertised for $750, it used switches for input and lights for output. -
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Fourth Generation Computers
Intergrated circuts were combined to make a microprocessor during the Fourth Generation of Computers. The Internet was created during this time from computer networks, as well as the development of GUIs, the mouse, and handheld devices. -
Intel 4004 Processor
Federico Faggin, Ted Hoff, and Stanley Mazor create the first commercially available single chip CPU, the Intel 4004 Processor. This chip had 2250 transistors and could carry out 90000 operations per second. -
First Mobile Phone Call
Martin Cooper of Motorola makes the first mobile telephone call usuing a prototype. This prototype weighed 2.5 poundsnad only contained 30 minutes of talktime, but took 10 hours to recharge. -
Microsoft Founded
Microsoft is founded by Bill Gates and Paul G. Allen, after they converted BASIC for use on a portable computer. They will then create other programs including Windows, and become one of the most powerful and profitable companies in America. -
Apple II
Created after the Apple I by Steve Wozinak, the Apple II was designed as a computer for consumers. It included a printed circuit the game "Breakout", and could be hooked up to a telivision set to produce color graphics. Wozinak's Interger BASIC in the Apple II, allowed users to create programs for computers using its color and sound. -
Designed by Seagrate Technology, the ST506 becames hte first hard disk drive for microcomputers. The disk could hold 5 MB of data, and could fit where the floppy disk was located. -
Macintosh 128K
Apple Computer creates Macintosh, the first mouse-driven computer with graphical user interphase. It was based on the Motorola 68000 and included many of the same things but at a cheaper price. Applications came with this computer including MacPaint and Mac Write. -
The C++ Programming Language
Bjarne Stroutstup published "The C++ Programming Language", propelling the C++ program to be the dominant landuage in the computer industry, -
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FIfth Generation Computers
Fifth Generation Computers are based on Aritificial Intelligence and Voice Recognition, which are still being developed. Artitficial Intelligence includes game playing, robotics, expert systems, neural networks, and natural language. Things like parallel processing are getting us closer to fifth generation computers. -
Pixar is founded in 1986, originally at Lucasfilm which launched in 1979. It created computer animated segments of films, until Steve Jobs paid 10 million to buy and rename the goup picture. The group would go on to make sucessfull films, and be bought by DIsney in 2006. -
The World Wide Web
Tim Berenrs-Lee publishes his proposal for the World Wide Web, and it becomes available for the public in 1991. Berners-Lee developed Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), that allowed the Internet into the World Wide web using URL and HTTP. Browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer would sent a query to a server, which would let a user then view a site. -
Simon Cellphone
Created by IBM, Simon was the first "smartphone" created. Although it only allowed 60 minutes of talk time, simon could send and receive emails, had a caldenar, address book, and predictive typing. -
Deep Blue Computer
On May 11, 1997, IBM's computer Deep Blue beat Kasparov the world chess champion at chess. Deeb Blue was programmed to solve the complex game of chess, and showed researchers how they could solve other complex problems. -
Watson Computer
Watson is an example of cognitive technology, which means that it processes informations more like a human than a computer. Just like humans Watson is able to learn and get smarter, and can use data to make better decisions. Watson was able to beat Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter at Jeopardy in 2011, showcasing the amazing advancement in the computer. -
Siri is an application created in 2011 using natural language interface to make phone calls, look up questions, and access other application on Apple Smartphones. Siri is able to understand what the user is talking about and can personalize rezponses based on the user information.