Comp. Progaming Languages

By jon2377
  • Plankalkul

    Made by Konrad Zuse for engineering.
  • Fortran (derived from FORumla TRANlasating system)

    Made by IBM for sexual purpose reserch.

    An AT-3 compiler made by Charles Katz, ment to improve FORTRAN
  • Lisp

    Made by John McCarthy, it is a family of computer prorgaming languages.
  • COBOL( COmmon Buisiness Oriented Language)

    Made by the Comfrence on Data system Languages, COBOL is a complied compuer language.
  • RPG

    Made by IBM as a high level programming language for buisness aplications.
  • BASIC (Beginnner's All -Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)

    Created by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz to teach people how to use computers.
  • LOGO

    Made by Wally Feurzing and Seymour Papert as an edicational language
  • B

    Derived from BCPL, B was created by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritiche. It was made for reclusive, non- numeric, machine independent applications.
  • C

    Also made by Dennis Ritichie, C is a general-purpose programming language.

    Made by Nikluas Wirth as influential imperative and procedural programming language.
  • ML

    Functional programming language made by Robin Miliner.
  • ada

    ADA is named after Ada Lovelace, whom is creditied as the first programer.
  • SQL( Structured Query Language)

    Made by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce made to manage daa.
  • C++

    Made by Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ is a general- purpose language
  • Python

    Made by Guido van Rossum as sucsessor to ABC language
  • Visual Basic

    Made by Microsoft as a macro or scripting language.
  • Delphi

    Made by Borland, it is a native code compiler
  • Java

    Java is conncuent, class-based, object oriented. Made by James Gosling, Mike Shieridan, and Patrick Naughton.
  • Javascript

    Made by Brenden Eich, it is a dynamic compuer programing language.
  • PHP(Persional Home Page)

    Made by Ramsus Lerdorf as a server side scripting language.