Europeans began to travel south around Africa by way of the sea
Trying to get the silks and spices found in China and India
Slavery was a big part of this settlement that they created -
Slave trade begins
Trade black slaves in exchange for African guns and European- made goods -
Trading posts
These came after the slave trades. (Slave trading was still happening though.) -
Wheels of colonization start to turn
This is the act of forcibly taking over another country for the resources it can provide. -
Britain gains control of the Suez Canal
Helped strongly with British trading -
France took control of western North Africa
They colonized it for themselves -
Spain and Italy began to colonize
They gained control of Morocco and Somalia -
Europe continued to colonize
By this time, they had grabbed almost all of West Africa -
South Africa was handed independence from Gr. Br.
Kikuyu people in Kenya started a political organization
They did this to fight for freedom from Great Britain -
Ethiopia was invaded and finally taken by the country of Italy
Before they were seized finally, they were the only country in Africa to remain independent -
Africa begins to seriously rebel against colonization
This was inspired by the events of WWII -
Kwame Nkrumah introduces the thought of Pan-Africanisim
This was the thought that all Black Africans around the globe were united as one -
South Africans known as Afrikaners started up Apartheid
This is legal separation based solely off of skin color -
Sudan gained independence from England in '56
Period: to
Southern Sudanians had the first of two civil wars
A insane amount of people died -
Ghana gained independence
Hooray!! -
Nigeria became independent
This was after a hard fight with the Englishmen -
Belgian Congo gained independence
This should be good right? Well, kinda. They couldn't found a firm and sturdy government. -
Kenya became independent in 1963
Go Kenya!! -
Nelson Mandela was arrested and given a life sentence in 1964
He was the most famous leader of the African National Congress. This is probably what sparked the fire to make the feds angry at him -
Good ol' Mandela continued to protest from prison
He took a big stand against Apartheid -
Joseph Mobutu gained power in the Congo
He was a corrupt and violent leader who caused lots of suffering for the people -
Igbo people tried to declare themselves independent form Nigeria
This started a civil war in which 1,000,000ish people died -
Period: to
Sudan has a second civil war
FW de Klerk was elected president of SA
de Klerk said apartheid was bad and tossed it out the window -
FW de Klerk released Mandela from jail
Mandela and FW de Klerk were given the Nobel Peace Prize
Given to them because they ended apartheid -
SA held their first elections that were open to the public INCLUDING BLACKS!
Nelson Mandela was elected as the new president -
The Hutu people of Rwanda start up a genocide against the Tutsi
About 900,000 Tutsi people were eventually murdered -
People in Tunisia begin to pine for a democratic government
This was called the Arab Spring -
Sudan approves South Sudan's independence
South Sudan is now a country of its own! -
Prez Ben Ali resigned and the Tunisia people got a democratic government
Similar things happened in Algeria and Morocco -
Muammar Qaddafi was captured and murdered
The new government has caused a whole new wave of violence though -
Mohammed Morsi was put into office after Hosni Mubarak was forced to resign
His term was cut short his government was overthrown by the military forces -
Egypt was put under lots of rule by the police and military forces
This is not very good. It is kind of an iron fisted rule