Jan 1, 1300
Did you know that Abrigionals have been in Australia since 1300?? -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Colonisation in Australia
Dirk Hartog
Dirk Hartog, a dutch explorer sailed to western australia on the 26th of October in 1616 and named an island after himself. He was the second english explorer to land on Australian soil. -
William Dampier
William Dampier an English explorer was the first englishman to explore Australia on the west coast on the 5th of January in 1688. -
The first fleet
Youtube VideoOn 13 of May 1787, 11 ships set sail from Portsmouth, England, led by Captain Arthur Phillip. This was later known as the First Fleet that carried officers, crew, marines and their families and convicts from Britain to a distant and little known land on the far side of the world. The trip took over 252 days, the First Fleet brought over 1500 men, women and children halfway across the world from England to New South Wales, New Holland and landed on the 26th of January, 1788. -
Captain Authur Phillip
We lowered the anchor. I got in the boat with 4 other men who were rowing the boat. In the boat behind me was the flag I got told to put into the land so it belonged to the British Empire. We arrived on shore. As soon as he flag arrived I picked it up, with some help, I put in the and said ‘This land now belongs to the British Empire!’ This was the greatest adventure of my life! -
Aboriginal Women
I was just living my life, looking after my kids, making dinner that my husband caught, until, these large boat things arrive. I told my children to go find their father. They came back with him. I asked him what was happening. He didn't know what was happening so he got the rest of the men in our tribes to go and find out what was happening. He said that he did not know so he went to the chief of the tribe. I hurried my children and myself to cover where all the others went to stay safe. -
Children in jail
I was a poor aufen, 13 years old. I had a job and one day, I was so hungry that I stole a loaf of bread from the bakery. The man caught me and I was sent to prison for 7 years! The prisons were overcrowded so a month later, they put us on a boat to sail off to a land they found. The ship journey was full of people about 150 men, women and children. After 252 days we arrived at New South Wales, still in a prison. -
Free Settlers
My life was hard back in england, when I heard about this opportunity I rushed home to tell my family. They did not want to go. It was a thought choose but I know I made the right decision. I came on the boat to New Holland on my own will. It was the hardest time of my life, seeing some children die. Now, I am a rich land owner. Soon, I hope, my family will come here to me so we can live together again. -
Henry Parkes
I lived in New South Wales and was so annoyed that everyone had to change trains and have a passport piece of paper, so, I decided to make a change! So, that is exactly what I did. I got everyone together and made a speech to the town of tender fields., it was the best speech, my opinion. This speech definitely made a difference because it made all of the leaders of the states come together and talk. (I do not know the date just the year) -
I am the ruler of New South Wales and when I heard Henry Parkes speech I called the other leader of the states of invited them over to my state. When they all arrived I told them about what Henry Parkes said in his speech. This was hopeless no one was listening to the others and everyone kept making complaints! ‘But what about this, and this..’ They all were shouting at me. So, I just gave up. -
Alferd Dican
I am the generation after the Sir Henry Parkes. I agree with him and admired his work so much that I decided to try and get all the states together and talk. Hopefully this time someone will be successful.They all came together and talk and said yes! I was successful. All the countries are now one huge country except Western Australia. I do not know why Western Australia did not want to be apart of becoming one. -
Yay! I can vote now! Ever since I was allowed to vote I feel like I have a say in all the decisions made! What!?!? All the states are becoming one. All that campaigning for nothing, we are no longer going to be allowed to vote! I know. I will get my fellow women friends, tell them the bad news and we shall start a petition, again. Surely they can give as the right again! -
World War 1
On the 25th of April 1915 the ANZACs arrived in Gallipoli now known as ANZAC Cove. England needed help to invade the Turks so they asked for Australia’s help them. The impact that was made on Australia was many lives were lost which forced many women to become part of the work force. This changed everything! -
It has been 7 weeks since my husband walked out that door. Now, a lot of companies need more workers. So, being the lovely kind person I am I volunteered for one of those places. They actually accepted me! I was so excited that I went home and wrote a letter to my husband. He will be so proud of me!! -
I heard a gunshot, I jumped for the ground. I stayed on the ground until it was all over. It went forever, I tried to stay strong, but inside I was devastated, watching all my new friends fall to the ground. Shhh, here comes a turkish. I pretended to be dead holding a wound. He fell for it and kept walking. I survived!! I shooted the man who walked past me. No! His friend saw me. I got up and ran as far as my legs could take me. I got away! -
Australian Government
Yes, sir! The only bad thing about being the government id that I have to follow orders from England. Now, I have to find more soldiers and train them so they are ready to fight in 6 months. How am I going to find that many men?? I know, I will say that if they join they will be great heros that everyone will know their name!! -
Captain Faik
Men, get ready they will be here any minute. We don’t want them to take over, understand me! Right now, I am waiting until I see that they have arrived. My greatest fear is that my men are not ready. FIRE!! They are here. Their sneak plan it destroyed!! We can win!! No!! My best soldier fell. Never mind, we are winning, they are all falling! -
Sorry Day
On the 26th of May in 2010, Tony Abbott said sorry for the times that english people stole the aboriginal children and separated them from their families to put them with english families because they thought that was the best thing for them. -
2015, Today
Even though time has passed Australia is still claimed by England. Australia has changed a lot but still has connections with England in our everyday life. Some are the flag, the queen on our money, many food and drinks, we are a commonwealth country and many, many more. -
I am a 15 year old child. I go to school, come home, do homework that I received that day and that I go off to Netball. Both my parents work, so I catch the bus and walk to the places I need to go. Even though I have really no spare time I shall soon need a job. I am hoping to work for my friends dads company. -
Tony Abbott
Ahhh, everything running smoothly. Nothing could be better. All I can see ahead of me is a country running perfectly, by the best, a bright future for all the young children and well a amazing future for the land. Now, if you excuse me I have some important business to attend. ‘Excuse me, Tony Abbott but if you don’t mind can you please sign this for me?’ -
The queen
I am so trilled. I am so glad my mother’s grandmother sent Captain Arthur Phillip to go claim Australia. Australia was probably the best thing England has ever claim. Well, that and also I have a new grandchild, that means I must be getting old or what?? -
Okay, so they apologise but what action did they do. They can not change the past. They can not go back to their own countries and pretend that none of this ever happened. They can not give us back our land. They can not change the past. I am never forgiving them for what they did to my family!!