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collin's mexico history timeline

  • Apr 10, 1521

    Spanish Arive in Mexico

    Spanish Arive in Mexico
    The Spanish arive in Mexico and claim it from the aztec and incas. This is important because if the spanish had not done this the Aztec wold still rule mexico today.
  • The Cry of Delores

    The Cry of Delores
    Father Miguel Hidalgo starts a rebtlion againts spain. It is inportant because it started the Mexican war for independance
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    Mexico's War For Independance

    Mexico gains their independace from spain by getting a group of rebels and attacking Mexico City. This is inportant because they gained their independance from spain.
  • The Gadsedn Purchase

    The Gadsedn Purchase
    Mexico sold America some of their land. This is important because America gained a lot of land and Mexico gained a lot of money.
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    Battle of the Alamo

    Mexico attacked Texas and defeated the Texans at the alamo. This was important because Texas left Mexico.
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    Mexico and America fought over what was theGasdsden Purchase. This is important because America gained a lot of land and Mexico sold it to them.
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    War of Reform

    Mexico had a Bill of Rights and some people did not like it so they rebelled and atacked the goverment. This is important because after Mexico was at a horrible state because of poverty and had to go through very hard times.
  • Battle of Puebla

    Battle of Puebla
    The French attacked Mexico. This is important because Mexico beat the French and kept their land.
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    Mexican Revolution

    Mexico desided to fight for change this is important because it gave poor farmers land.
  • Economic Collapse and Rise of External Debt

    Economic Collapse and Rise of External Debt
    This was when the value of the paso was very low. This is important because it tought Mexico to go through tough times.