College Essay Brainstorm Timeline

  • Bombing My First Hill

    Bombing My First Hill
    It may not seem like an impactful event but, my first scooter shaped my athletic interests. Bombing my first hill gave me a rush that I knew I could only satisfy with going downhill at top speed. Bombing hills at the age of 3 my parents were extremely worried about me causing them to rid me of my scooter whether it was to outright take it or pay my brother to destroy it behind my back. No matter that I still love bombing hills to this day and have made new friends who share my passion.
  • My Move to Brewster

    My Move to Brewster
    My move from Tarrytown to Brewster was a very short distance but this move impacted me the same way any other move would. The loss of my friends along with a new house put me in an entirely new environment, one that I didn't enjoy. As school started I began making more and more friends and really began enjoing Brewster along with everything it had to offer in the new enviorment
  • My First Dog

    My First Dog
    My first dog was a Shih Tzu mix we got from a family friend, the dog's name was Lady. Even though Lady was the greatest in obedience she was still my dog and I loved her to death. Lady was always there by my side and whenever I was in school I'd day dream about her all the time and would think she was under the table.
  • Middle School Award Ceremony

    Middle School Award Ceremony
    In my first year of school my parents got a letter from the school, me being the worrywart I am I thought I was in trouble but I was rewarded for being the student of the quarter. This was more of a hang out than a reward ceremony but hanging out with my friends and eating ice cream while meeting new people was very fun
  • My Dads store

    My Dads store
    My dad's store sparked my first interests in computers. This interest will later inspire me to build pc and take classes in school about hardware and software. Following down the same path as my father and sister I knew computers were my cup of tea as I would be so fascinated how everything worked. Later on this spark would also inspire me to build my very own pc along with my friends pcs
  • Graduating Middle School

    Graduating Middle School
    Middle School graduation was terrifying at first, but then I was greeted with praise and congrats from the administration. I was rewarded for getting high honor roll and honor roll every quarter every year on top of the student of the quarter. With all this praised I strived to complete my years for stuff like this, even though the ceremony was boring I was happy to see my friends there and have my parents come along for the ride
  • Meeting My Main Group of Friends

    Meeting My Main Group of Friends
    Back in 2017 I truly established bonds with inseparable friends. The memories and moments I have shared with these friends have been some of the best. A mix of playing video games, celebrating parties, new years, being friends with this group has been one of the best things that have happened in my life
  • The Math Class to Rule them all

    The Math Class to Rule them all
    Normally I would just go into my classes and get all of my work done as I wouldn't get any enjoyment out of any of them. Once I got to high school everything changed. I started really enjoying math as everything came to my head in a snap. Even though people might say that would make the class boring it didn't as this gave me time in class to try and solve problems in a different way, a new way of thinking than the equation provided. This made me fond of math day in and day out.
  • Playing D&D

    Playing D&D
    Back in 2019, my friends proposed a good idea, "Let play D&D". We all rounded up money that we needed to buy stuff for D&D. Once we started playing we couldn't stop as ideas popped into our head of different backstories we can make. D&D lit a new spark of imagination for all of us especial when you make the story for D&D
  • Volleyball

    Volleyball was one of the few sports that really ended up peaking my interests in sports. Before I really ended up playing volleyball I'd just normally workout to stay in shape or maybe even longboard, nowadays I'd play volleyball. I got hooked into volleyball as the team's coordination lead me to become hooked. I love the feeling of doing a team coordinated attack on the enemy even if its as simple as a bump set spike because it brings the team together