cold war to present

By teettra
  • Cold war

    Cold war
    The Cold War was a state of geopolitical tension after World War II. the United States and the Soviet Union fought together as allies against the Axis powers. 1947-1991 in Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, Greece, east Asia, south america, soviet union, united states of america. The Cold War stopped Communism gaining power in The West and helped create many friendships. it impacted american society because Cold War instigated strong anti-communism within the USA.
  • Jackie robinson

    Jackie robinson
    Jackie Robinson was born in Georgia on January 31, 1919. He was in the major leagues , played for the Brooklyn dodgers. He started playing in the major leagues on April 15, 1947. He was important because he was the first american to play in the majors, he was number 42. Jackie Robinson changed the way Americans thought. When Robinson took the field on April 15, 1947, more than sixty years of racial segregation in major-league baseball came to an end. He died on October 24, 1972.
  • Man lands on moon

    Man lands on moon
    Man lands on the moon on June 20, 1969.
    Went from June 16, 1969 to June 24, 1969 It took four days to get there as soon as they got their, the first man to step on the moon was Neil Armstrong. They put a flag up there to mark that they been their before. It was important because know one has really been to space, its hard to come back alive but they did, it was a big accomplishment for Neil Armstrong.
  • Vietnam war

    Vietnam war
    United states, south Korea, Australia, the Philippians, new Zealand, Thailand, Khmer Republic overthrown by Khmer Rouge, Kingdom of Laos and Republic of China,Taiwan. Vietnam actually signed a peace treaty surrendering. November 1, 1955 to April 30, 1975, 20 year battle. More than 3 million people were killed.It was important because the result of first Indochina war between France, which claimed Vietnam as a colony. the United States in the war in Vietnam had a very negative impact to society.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    on August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States. It was important because winds of 100–140 miles per hour–and stretched some 400 miles across Katrina caused more than $100 billion in damage. It impacted american society because hurricane Katrina left many people homeless as more than 800,000 housing units were destroyed or damaged in the storm.
  • Robert F. Kennedy assassination

    Robert F. Kennedy assassination
    Robert Kennedy is shot at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles after winning the California presidential primary. Kennedy was shot several times by the 22-year-old Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan. He was a father of 11 children. He was important because everyone liked him and it also was important because he was the president. It impacted american society because He was the president, Now two Brothers died when president
  • Kent state massacre

    Kent state massacre
    May 4, 1970, Ohio school of 21,000 students. Students protested after Nixon pledge to send troops. Police are bayoneting and clubbing student protesters. National guardsmen dressed in riot gear met with hostile chants and rocks. Police shoot 61 bullets into crowd. $ students were killed and 9 were wounded. National guardsmen was not held accountable, not blamed for the massacre.It was important because When the Guardsmen shot and killed four students on May 4.
  • George H.W bush

    George H.W bush
    served as the 41st U.S. president from 1989 to 1993. born on June 12, 1924, in Milton, Massachusetts. His son became president advent ally too. One thing that impacted american society was the No Child Left Behind Act, which was the most impact change in education policy in a generation. He was important to history because he was a political leader and also the president of the united states.
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter
    39th president of the United States, Jimmy carter born in Plains, Georgia, on October 1, 1924. He was and impact on American leadership in the protection of human rights around the world helped to subvert the power of communist and other dictatorial regimes. fun facts jimmy carter was the first president born in the hospital, his favorite food is steak
  • Irag-Afganastan wars

    Irag-Afganastan wars
    Oct 7, 2001 – Dec 28, 2014. importance- protect oil reserves, make the world safe from terrorist. Impact- united nations found no evidence of weapons of mass destruction, About 6,882 casualties as of may 17, 2016. Cost 4-6 trillion dollars. Longest war in american history. September 11th took place during this time
  • tv age

    tv age
    late 40s, History -1948 there were fewer than 17,000 tv sets. By the end of the 1950s Americans owned 50 million sets. Impact- 1.5 billion dollars in early 1950s. People were worried that students might skip their homework to watch shows. By the end of the 1950s americans owned 50 million sets
  • Truman Doctrine/ Marshall Plan

    Truman Doctrine/ Marshall Plan
    Truman doctrine, 400 million dollars in military aid for Greece and turkey to stop communism from spreading there in march 1947 Marshall plan
    George Marshall
    - gives 12 billion in aid to rebuild western Europe from WW11 in April 1948