Cold War to Present

  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks, and other people on the bus were involved. Rosa Parks got on a bus during the time when darks had to use different things from the whites. She got on a bus, and sat on the "wrong" side of the bus with the white people. The event took place in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955. This was so important to history, because the darks were not allowed to sit near the whites, and she broke racism. Rosa Parks impacted society by making the point that it doesn't matter which race someone is.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    JFK, Jacqueline Kennedy, John Connally, Lee Harvey Oswald were involved. JFK and his wife, Jacqueline, were being driven across Dallas, Texas, by the governor, John Connally. They were about to go to another speech, when suddenly there we gunshots. JFK was shot along with John Connally, but there was only one bullet. This was important to History, because we needed a president, and it will always be remembered. The JFK Assassination impacted politics because they needed to find another president
  • MLK Assassination

    MLK Assassination
    MLK was involved, because he was killed. MLK was on the balcony of his hotel when he was shot in the face and neck (according to The event took place in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968. This event was important because he was fighting for African Americans freedom. The MLK Assassination impacted society, because no one wanted the African Americans to have freedom. He couldn't help them become free anymore.
  • Kent State Massacre

    Kent State Massacre
    13 people were wounded/involved. Some men had some rifles, and one guy shot on accident. That made the rest of them think someone was attacking, so they started shooting. The event took place in Ohio, on May 4, in 1970. The event was important, because they wounded innocent on accident because of one accidental shot fired. The Kent State Massacre impacted society, because they shot innocent people, when they need the guns only to make sure no more people from the war would come over.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    About 3 million people were involved. It lasted for about 20 years, the war did. It killed about 3 million people or more. The Vietnam War took place in South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. This was important because it was the longest war in US History until the war in Afghanistan started. The Vietnam War impacted society, because so many people died, and it was the longest war in US History until the war in Afghanistan started.
  • Elvis

    Elvis Presley is involved. Elvis died in Memphis, TN. A lot of people say that he faked his death, & he faked it just to get away from everyone. Really, he died from a heart attack. The event took place in Memphis, TN, in 1977. The event was important, because he was ¨The King of Rock¨ or ¨The King¨ & mostly everyone loved him or/and his music. The Elvis death impacted society, because a lot of people listened to his music and loved it. People found out that he had too much drugs in his system.
  • 9/11

    Many people, Firefighters, and the terrorists were involved. It was 8:00 in the morning, when the planes struck. Millions of surprised people inside the building fled with terror, trying to get out as soon as they could. This took place in New York on September 11, 2001. This was very important to History because terrorists were trying to kill a lot of people, this will always be remembered. 9/11 impacted society because not many people can trust people anymore.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hundreds and thousands of people were involved. It was August, and it was not very good weather. Hurricane Katrina came and ruined so much land. Hurricane Katrina took place in more than 1 state, but New Orleans was more at risk. This event was so important because so much land was destroyed, and too much people died. Hurricane Katrina impacted society because so many people lost their family. It was so bad, that it took over other places besides just New Orleans.