Cognitive and Language Development (Birth to Seven Years)

  • Sensorimotor...Cognitive Development

    Sensorimotor...Cognitive Development
    Learn by using their senses and ability to move.
  • Period: to

    Birth to Seven Years

  • Cooing...Language Development

    Babies begin to make vowel-like sounds.
  • Babbling...Language Development

    Infants add consonant sounds to the vowels to make a babbling sound.
  • Telegraphic Speech...Languauge Development

    Toddlers begin to string words together to form short, simple sentences using nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
  • Whole Sentences...Languauge Development

    They start to increase their vocabulary, use grammatical terms, and by the age of seven some will talk almost as fluent as an adult.
  • Preoperational...Cognitive Development

    Preoperational...Cognitive Development
    They can mentally represent and refer to objejts and events with words or pictures and they can pretend.