
  • Apr 19, 1346

    The Europeans used gunpowder

    The  Europeans used gunpowder
    Gunpowder was invented around 850 A.D. The Chinese used gunpowder in the early 1230's to launch fireworks and in weapons.Gunpowder was probably used for the first time in Europe during the Battle of Crécy in 1346. Historians do not know if this invention was carried from China to Europe or in The Europeans invented it independently.
  • Apr 18, 1505

    Da Vinci glider

    Da Vinci glider
    For much of his life, Leonardo was fascinated by the phenomenon of flight, producing many studies of the flight of birds, including his c. 1505 Codex on the Flight of Birds, as well as plans for several flying machines, including a helicopter and a light hang glider. Most were impractical, like his aerial screw helicopter design that could not provide lift. However, the hang glider has been successfully constructed and demonstrated. Leonardo da Vinci was much more than an artist. He was an as
  • Apr 18, 1507

    Da vincis idea of a helicopter

    Da vincis idea of a helicopter
    Leonardo envis ioned this device to be built of wood, reeds and tafetta. "A small model can be made of paper with a spring like metal shaft that after having been released, after having been twisted, causes the screw to spin up into the air."
  • Apr 19, 1581

    Galileo discovered the pendulum

    The first mechanical clock was invented in the early 1300's. With this invention time began to be measured in hours (24 hours equaling a day).Galileo, an Italian scientist, discovered the pendulum in 1581. The pendulum greatly improved the constant movement of the hands or bell of a clock. The average error with the pendulum varied only by seconds each day. Before this the error was from 10 to 15 minutes a day.During the 1600's the metallic gear, or toothed wheel, and the use of the scr
  • sir john harrington invented the first fluchable toilet

    sir john harrington invented the first fluchable toilet
    Sir John Harrington, godson to Queen Elizabeth, made the first flush toilet for himself and his godmother in 1596. He was teased by his friends and never made another one although he and Queen Elizabeth continued to use the one he did make. Two hundred years later Alexander Cummings reinvented the flush toilet more commonly called the water closet. Cummings invented the strap. The strap was a sliding valve between the bowl and the trap.
  • Johannes Gutenberg made the first printing press

    Johannes Gutenberg made the first printing press
    An early printing press, ca. 1714, courtesy of the Vermont Historical Society