Cloning [Smart Targets]

  • First Demonstration of artifical embryo twinning

    Driesch shows that cells contain genetic programming to re-produce
  • First artifical twinning in a vertebrate

    Hans Spemann discovers cells from a embryo in a vertebrate can grow into an entire organism.
  • The cell nucleus controls embryonic development

    Hans Spemann used the same technique to demonstrate every cell has instructions to recreate.
  • First successful nuclear transfer

    Briggs and King transfer a nucleus into another egg.
  • Nuclear transfer from a differentiated cell

    Gurdon uses the transfer of the nucleus in a tissue to clone a tadpole.
  • First mammalian embryo created by nuclear transfer

    Bromhall used a nucleus in a mammal to successfully grow an embryo.
  • First mammal created by nuclear transfer

    Willadsen uses the technique of nuclear transfer to create a mammal (sheep).
  • Nuclear transfer from embryonic cell

    Prather, Eyestone, and First clone a cow with nuclear transfer from a embryo's cell.
  • Nuclear transfer from laboratory cells

    Prather, Eyestone, and First clone a cow with nuclear transfer from a embryo's cell.
  • Dolly: First mammal created by somatic cell nuclear transfer

    Wilmut and Campbell clone a sheep with an adult cell tissue.
  • First primate created by embryonic cell nuclear transfer

    Meng, Ely, Stouffer, and Wolf create a primate using nuclear cell transfer.
  • Nuclear transfer from genetically engineered laboratory cells

    A Sheep is made from genetically engineered lab cells.
  • Period: to

    More mammals cloned by somatic cell nuclear transfer

    More animals are cloned and first male clone is made.
  • Endangered animals cloned by somatic cell nuclear transfer

    Endangered animals (Gaur and Mouflon) are cloned.
  • Primate embryonic stem cells created by somatic cell nuclear transfer

    A primate was cloned using somatic cells.
  • Human embryonic stem cells created from somatic cell transfer

    A human's base stem cells may have been made using somatic cell transfer but there is still controversy.