CIS Technology Timeline

  • Nintendo DS

    My pink Nintendo DS was the most memorable Christmas gift I have received in my life. This was when I was 7 years old and all of my friends had their own Nintendo consoles so I also wanted to get one. I felt truly excited when getting this gift and helped me get acquainted with touchscreen technology and video games.  
  • Iphone 5

    Moving on to when I was 12 years old, my uncle's phone got passed down on to me when he bought a new one. It was my very first iPhone that was the Apple iPhone 5.  Once I got introduced to this whole new internet world, I became completely addicted and to this day always have my mobile device near me. 
  • IPad

    Timeskip a year later when I was 13, I had my first iPad. I also used this electronic device as much as my phone, the only difference was that my iPad had a bigger screen so it was more enjoyable to watch YouTube videos and play games on it.
  • Personal Laptop

    On this year, I was just starting out in high school and had no laptop of my own when COVID hit, which turned all of my in-person classes online. Due to my Mom not having enough money to buy me one, all of my aunts and uncles put down money for me so I could get my very first laptop. It really means a lot to me and it has a sense of family value to me.
  • Nintendo Switch

    Recently last year I bought my very first Nintendo Switch with the money from selling my Nintendo 3DS, upgrading it to a new console that I desired. I really am happy with my electronic console because it has widened my choice of games to play and it is very useful when I have no wifi available which makes it perfect for traveling when you are bored.