Cinco De Mayo

  • It begins

    mexican wars for independence from spain begins with famous the "grito" or battle cry from miguel hidalgo in the town of dolores
  • the treaty is made between the U.S and mexico

    the Adam-Onis Treaty was established by Spain and the United States. Mexico will lose Florida and president Monroe the U.S will not support Mexico
  • Wars End

    the Mexican Wars for Independence ends and Mexico allows Stephen F. Austin to begin to populate texas
  • colonizying is not permitted

    U.S president Monroe creates the Monroe Doctrine, which is declaring that latin countries can't be populated by European nations
  • finally a republic

    Mexico is made a republic
  • no more slavery

    Mexico abolishes slavery,the future general of the battle of Puebla(Ignacio Zaragoza) is born in texas
  • independence for texas

    texas tries for independence, Santa Anna of Mexico leads the battle of the alamo
  • new president

    General Santa Anna becomes the new president of mexico
  • a new war begins

    the U.S/Mexico war begins
  • fight for peace

    U.S military forces enter Mexico City, peace negotiations start
  • Treaty of Guadalupe

    the treaty of Guadalupe hidlago ends the war annd mexico lose what is now the U.S west and southwest
  • Gadsden Purchase

    the Gadsden Purchase Treaty is signed which allows the U.S to expand its railroad
  • another war ends

    Mexican War of the reform ends and Mexican constitution is signed
  • Zapotec President

    Benito Juarez, a zaptotec indian, former govenor of Oaxaca becomes the first indigenous president of mexico. He is remembered as one of the most beloved leaders
  • seperation

    the southern states of the U.S try to be a seperate nation
  • payments stop

    Mexican president Benito Jaurez stops payments on debts to britain, france, and spain
  • european rule

    Napoleon III makes ferdinand Maximillian as empror of ME vice
  • it all starts to end

    lincoln is assassintated, Civil War is coming to a end maximillian,
  • the end

    french intervention ends, ferdinand maximillian is killed and benito juarez becomes president again