Cierra's timeline

  • The day I was born

    I don't know what really happened but my mom said I was brought into the world and the doctors thought I was premature because I was small for a fully developed baby.
  • My 4th birthday Party

    It was with a princess bouncy house with a slide and it rained that day. When my mom came to look
  • 10 years old

    I think for this birthday I went to boomers with my cousins
  • Period: to

    was depressed

    I used to have suicidal thoughts and criticize myself a lot but it has gotten way better and I know what it is to be happy.
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    started embracing my girly side

    As a kid, i didn't like skirts or dresses or anything girly i was more of a tomboy. Now i can be both because they're both apart of me now i love skirts, lip gloss, sandals (when my toes are done) and all that stuff.
  • Cut my hair

    I wanted a new start at first I said I was trimming it but then I knew i wanted waves so i cut it low but it ended up being a fade. It grew healthy and I like where it's at right now but i want it longer
  • 15th birthday & getting my permit

    for this birthday I knew i wanted to learn how to drive so i studied for my test and took an online drivers ed course to help me.
  • went on cruise

    For my brother's birthday we went on a cruise to the Bahamas and we went to coco cay it was so fun I realized i've gotten more confident since then
  • went to New York

    For my moms birthday i went to new york it was fun, I rode the subway, it was about 60 degrees, I saw the 3 story macys it was so much over there I shopped at forever 21 and brought a hoodie dress I still haven't worn it yet.
  • Started a business

    I'm trying to sell combs and accessories because I like to do my hair take care of it and I love accessories so it's something I'm interested in so I'm doing it and expressing my creativity while I'm at it.
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    Covid- 19

    I left school In March thinking i was going to come back after spring break but I finished the school year online. I missed seeing my friends and I know now when i go back it'll be extremely different from when i left. Now in Miami Dade county the numbers are rising so we might have to go back in quarantine not sure yet.
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    soul sisters internship

    I'm glad to be doing this because im learning more about myself, others, and how to fix my community or contribute
  • Got into my first real relationship

    This boy I liked asked me out and we're still dating till this day. We learn more from each other everyday and we build each other I'm happy in this relationship.
  • Black Girls design camp

    I joined soul sisters black girl design camp and had so much fun i got to meet new people, got to design clothes and modeled in them. I brought out a lot of creative ideas to the table and got to make a hoodie and shirts with a group of girls it was so much fun!!
  • 16 birthday

    For my 16th birthday, I was stuck in quarantine but my mom surprised me by decorating my room brought me an ice cream cake. We basically made the most of it
  • Death of George Floyd

    it was 4 days after my birthday and I was sad because I saw all the horrible things the police did to this young black man. This is when I strongly supported fighting for Black Lives Matter and knowing what social injustice is and what police brutality is.