Children's Language Development

  • 3 months old

    When the child is able to respond because the parent or the person taking care of the child responds to behavior the child gives. This shows a sign of understanding from the child that in order to communicate what they want, they must also respond in turn for what they want.
  • 12 Months Old

    At this point, the child should be able to voice a few words especially the ones heard more often within the first 12 months of his/her life. So instead of behaviors such as gestures and crying, they are able to voice at least one-word meanings of what they want, need or how they feel as well as describing things they are learning.
  • 18 Months old

    Children at this age can usually have a small vocabulary list but with this small vocabulary inventory they are also exploring sounds and voice making sounds. They should be able to put words together such as; want cookie, bye-bye, or even night night.
  • 2 Years Old

    At this point, a child is learning bound morphemes such as unable, freely, or dislike. They are also adding more vocabulary to their vocabulary inventory.
  • 3 Years Old

    The child should be able to speak more "adult-like" sentences to where they are able to have somewhat of a small conversation.
  • 4 Years Old

    The child is learning how to conversate in their own way based on who they speak to on a daily basis.
  • 5 Years Old

    At this point, They should know a majority of forms of language and be able to handle conversating with people.
  • 6 Years Old

    This is the point where they are learning communication with writing and reading through visual mode.
  • 7 years old

    Children at this age go through cognitive development and are at a much better understanding of using communication and language to their advantage to be able to respond to his/her surroundings. For example to be able to tell stories to make friends or even part of a homework assignment.
  • 8 Years Old

    Children at this age are learning to understand reasoning behind ideas and happenings especially through more difficult words and meaning. They are also much more logical and should be able to conversate with an adult at a much mature level.