cognitive development
Post-it Question: What sort of interests did you have as a young child? Does this fit with the research on children's concept formations and categorization? When I was a child, I was very interested in animals. I love stuffed animals and I loved to play with my neighbors dogs. Research shows that during childhood children can take many interests, one of them being stuffed animals. -
Physical Development
Post-it Question given 9/26: How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activities did you do? How did you feel about this? I got physical exercise often when I was a child. I was involved with soccer and t-ball, and I loved it. I am thankful my parents made it a priority to get me involved with physical activities, because I am still involved. -
cognitive development
Post-it Question given 9/26: Describe which gross and/or fine motor skills you used for the activities you listed. When I played soccer and Tee-ball I used gross and fine motor skills. For soccer, I mainly used gross motor skills like running and kicking. For Tee-ball, I used more find motor skills like throwing, catching, and hand-eye coordination to catch and hit a ball. -
cognitive development
Post-it Question given 11/14: How did you family and friends/teachers describe you as a child? Was this the same or different from your infant temperament? My family and friends described me as being extrovert and talkative. I liked to be in control of things and take charge of situations. This is similar to my temperament as an infant.