I was born in Bosnia probubly around three o'clock. -
4 months
i weight about 10-18 pounds
i cried without tears because of communicate pain, fear, discomfort, or loneliness.
I turned head toward bright colors and lights -
8 months
my first tooth began to appear.
i started recognizes and looks for familiar voices and sounds.
i spend a lot of time watching and observing -
12 months
one year old now.
i continued to explore things by mouth.
i started claping and waving.
i became attached to a favorite toy. -
12 to 18 months
i liked to push pull or dumps things.
i started to understand more words.
liked to hand objects to others. -
18 to 24 months
i find it hard to wait and want things right away.
i started using 2 or 3 sentances.
i fed myself with a spoon. -
two years old
i enjoyed simple make believe like taking on phone.
i could walk without help.
i enjoyed simple stories or poems. -
three years old
i was talking to 75 percent of speech understanding.
i was able to put on my shoes.
i enjoyed playing with other hildren briefly. -
Four years old
i could place objects in line from largest to smallest.
i could feed, brush, comb, dress myself.
i seeked out adult approval. -
Five years old
i started inventing games with simple rules.
i could ride a bicycle with training wheels.
i know basic colors. -
6 through 8 years old
i veiwed things in black and white.
i was skilled at using scissors and small tools.
i was able to learn diference between left and right. -
9 through 11 years old
i started to get an nterest in competitive sports.
i started improves in coordination and reaction time.
i hd an interested in reading fictional stories, magazines, and how-to project books.