Reflex Abilities
A child is born with a grasping reflex, or a clinging response to a touch on the palm of his or her hand. -
Reflex Abilities
A child is born with the rooting reflex, or a response in turning toward the source of touching that occurs anywhere around his or her mouth. -
Perceptual Abilities
People are born with the abiility to distinguish different faces. -
Language Development
At birth, an infant becomes aware of the sounds in his environment. -
Reflex Abilities
When born, an infant has the ability to blink. A child may do this in response to a puff of air. -
Reflex Abilities
When born, an infant has a sucking relfex that allows him to drink milk from his mother's breast. -
Perceptual Abilities
Infants are born with sensory organs such as eyes for sight, ears for hearing, and a nose for smelling. -
Period: to
Child Development Timeline
Physical Development
At two months, a child raises his head to 45 degrees. -
Perceptual Abilities
Infants are able to determine size and shape constancy from the first 0 to 5 months of life. -
Physical Development
A child rolls over at 2.8 months. -
Physical Development
A child can sit with support at four months. -
Language Development
Children begin to respond to the word "no" from four to six months. -
Physical Development
A child can sit without support at 5.5 months. -
Perceptual Abiltites
Children six months and over can determine depth perception. With this quality, one can realize that drops are dangerous. -
Physical Development
A child can pull himself to standing position at 7.6 months. -
Physical Development
A child can walk holding onto furniture at 9.2 months. -
Language Development
A child begins to recognize the names of familiar objects and respond to requests from the age of seven to twelve months. -
Language Development
By the end of the first year, an infant masters sounds of his own language and usually says his or her first word.